Networked UAVs on a Mission, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 2018.
Scaling and Securing Spectrum Access up to THz, IEEE DySPAN 2018, Seoul, Korea, October 2018.
Scaling Wi-Fi to High Rate and High Client Density, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, June 2018.
ASTRO: a System for Networked Drone Sensing Missions without Ground Control, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, June 2018.
RENEW: Reconfigurable Eco-system for Next-generation End-to-end Wireless, IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, HI, April 2018.
Scaling Wi-Fi to High Rate and High Client Density, RPI Mercer Lecture, Troy, NY, September 2017.
Urban Sensing and Wireless Backhaul, Net Futures 2017, Brussels, Belgium, June 2017.
Scaling Wireless for Next Generation Transformative Applications, IEEE INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, May 2017.
Emerging Wireless Experimental Platforms and Capabilities, Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds (CNERT 2017), Atlanta, GA, May 2017.
Remember the Uplink: Hidden Costs and Solutions for Lagging Uplink WLAN Capabilities, 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN 2016), Waikoloa, Hawaii, August 2016.
Challenges and Future Directions of Wireless Spectrum Research (panel), IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, April 2016.
Diverse Spectrum Wi-Fi: Research Advances and Global Trials, Northeastern University ECE Distinguished Lecture Series, Boston, MA, January 2016.
Diverse Spectrum and the Next Wireless Internet, plenary presentation, XXIII CONEISC, Arequipa, Peru, August 2015.
Diverse Spectrum WLANs: efficiency, Scaling, and Sharing, NYU Weber Lecture, Brooklyn, NY, May 2015.
Diverse Spectrum Access from MHz to THz, NSF CREST Center for Research on Complex Networks at Texas Southern University, Houston, TX, May 2015.
Diverse Spectrum MU-MIMO WLANs, distinguished lecture, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2015), Anaheim, CA, February 2015.
WiFi in sub-GHz Bands: Research Advances and Global Trials, keynote presentation, IEEE LatinCom, Cartagena, Colombia, November 2014.
Trends in Spectrum Regulation, IEEE LatinCom, Cartagena, Colombia, November 2014.
Unbundling Mexico’s Telecommunications Sector: Reform, Investment and Digital Democracy, Baker Institute, Houston, TX, November 2014.
Diverse Spectrum Multi-User MIMO: from WLANs to Urban Access, distinguished lecture, Technical University Darmstadt, June 2014.
New Spectrum and Services for the Next Wireless Internet, keynote presentation, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2014), Hong Kong, China, May 2014.
Diverse Spectrum Access for the Next Wireless Internet, Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI), Itaipu, Brazil, April 2014.
Spectrum Access for the Next Wireless Internet, keynote presentation, Global Future Internet Summit, Seoul, Korea, November 2013.
Spectrum Access, Interference Management, and High Spectral Efficiency in UHF Bands, Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, Lima, Peru, October 2013.
Spectrum Access from TV Bands to Millimeter Wave and Visible Light, keynote presentation, ACM WiNTECH 2013, Miami, FL, September 2013.
Wireless Dense Networks: Simple Rescaling or Change of Paradigm? (panel), IEEE WoWMoM 2013, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.
Robust Control and Management of Wireless Networks, 5th Annual IMDEA Networks Institute International Workshop, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.
Multi-User MIMO in Dense, Urban Wireless Networks, keynote presentation, IEEE/IFIP WONS, Banff, Canada, March 2013.
If We Build It, Will They Come? 4G World, Chicago, IL, October 2012.
Grand Challenges in Wireless Networking, NITRD Workshop on Complex Engineered Networks, Washington, DC, September 2012.
Urban-Scale Wireless Networks in Unlicensed sub-GHz bands, keynote presentation, MobiHoc 2012, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 2012
UHF-Band Unlicensed Wireless: Global Opportunities from Rural to Urban Networks, keynote presentation, IEEE RuralComm, Houston, TX, December 2011.
Urban-Scale Wireless Networks in Unlicensed UHF Bands, CoFeTel (Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones), Mexico City, Mexico, November 2011.
Mobile and Wireless Networking (panel), 20th International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, Maui, HI, July 2011.
Wireless Prototypes, Testbeds, and Experiments: What Next? keynote presentation, Ninth IEEE WiOpt, Princeton, NJ, May 2011.
Advances in Urban Sensing (panel), IEEE Globecom 2010, Miami, FL, December 2010.
Urban-Scale Wireless Access: Experiences and Future Challenges, Consejo Federal de Inversiones (Federal Council of Investment), Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2010.
Urban-Scale Wireless Access from MHz to THz, keynote presentation, 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 22) Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2010.
Challenges in Deployment and Operation of Diverse Spectrum Access Networks, keynote presentation,Fifth IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software-Defined Radio and White Space, Boston, MA, June 2010.
Future Directions in Urban-Scale Multi-hop Wireless Networks, keynote presentation, Second International Workshop on Carrier-Grade Wireless Mesh Networks, San Diego, CA, March 2010.
Broadband Wireless for Underserved Urban Communities, FCC, Washington, D.C. October 2009.
Current Trends in Wireless Networks, panel, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
Ultra-Low Cost Wireless Access: Lessons from the Field, keynote presentation, IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop, New Orleans, LA, December 2008.
Urban Mesh Networks and Protocol Behavior Under Diverse Operating Conditions, keynote presentation,USC Invited Workshop on Theory and Practice in Wireless Networks, Los Angeles, CA, May 2008.
Multi-Tier Multi-Hop Wireless: The Road Ahead, keynote presentation, Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Austin, TX, October 2007.
Urban Mesh Networks: Coming Soon to a City Near You, keynote presentation, IFIP Networking 2007, Atlanta, GA, May 2007.
Large-Scale Urban Mesh Network: From Deployment to Applications, keynote presentation,31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Tampa, FL, November 2006.
Technology For All Wireless: Deployment, Measurements, and New Applications, Greater Houston Partnership, August 2006.
Protocol Challenges for High-Performance Urban Mesh Networks, panel, ACM MobiHoc 2006, Florence, Italy, June 2006.
Deployment of an Urban IEEE 802.11 Mesh Access Network: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead, keynote presentation, International Workshop On Wireless Network Measurement (WiNMee 2006), Boston, MA, April 2006.
Technology For All Wireless: Deployment, Measurements, and New Applications, Greater Houston Partnership, August 2006.